Our workers’ co-op
Not an ordinary business
Tui Balms is a workers’ co-operative. We aim to improve our working together continuously and set an example for a sustainable co-created business model.

We operate with minimal management hierarchies and a flat wage structure that values the participation in the business, rather than creating premiums for personal skills. Decision-making within the co-operative is generally by consensus on all important matters.
Consequently, every staff member’s contribution to the business is seen as equally important. Workers are paid wages and profit not used to develop the business is donated out to registered charities each year.
Today the co-op employs 14 part-time staff supporting families and individuals living at the remote Tui Community in Wainui Bay in rural NZ and nearby.
Here they are, in sequence of length of service…
With Tui Balms from the very beginning in 1984, currently working as sales rep at baby expos, conferences,massage and beauty schools, as well as on our annual rep trip. She brings deep committment to our products and co-op model, sincerity and integrity. Outside of work she is passionate about family, friends, nature, therapeutic massage, holistic pulsing, and her Tui home. In her massage work Yana enjoys all but the floral scented Balms.
With Tui Balms since 1992, currently working on the management team, in production, as purchaser of ingredients and in building design. He brings a relaxed attitude combined with commitment to getting things done, and joy in the actual doing of his jobs to the co-op. Outside of work he dedicates his energy to living in an intentional, to his daughter Shakti and some of her home-schooling, and also his sailboat that he takes out to sea at times. His favorite Balm is Bee Balm, as “it does everything, and more!”
With Tui Balms since 2008, currently working in marketing, as a sales rep and on website development. She brings creativity, joy and cooperation to the co-op. Outside of work she loves authentic human connection, her daughter Kiva, tramping, chanting, and gardening. Her favorite Balm is Orange Spice Massage Balm.
With Tui Balms since 2008, currently working as shipping supervisor, in marketing and as the Golden Bay sales rep. She brings humour, colour, fresh creativity, communication, stability, compassion. Outside of work she is passionate about the conscious evolution of humanity and the planet, rites of passage work for teens, as well as changing the culture around death and eldership. She is an artist and storyteller, Her favorite Balm are Aloe Lip Balm and Herbal Lift, “the essential oils are like an antidote for lunch coma”.
With Tui Balms since 2009, currently working as general manager. He brings cooperation, attention to detail and humour to the co-op. Outside of work he loves finishing his pottery studio, building a wood-fired kiln, and getting back on the potter’s wheel. His favorite Balm is Bee Balm.
With Tui Balms since 2009, currently working in production as well as in research & development. He brings his herbalist education, creativity and humour to the co-op. Outside of work he loves pottering around his house with DIY stuff and being a dad. His favorite Balm is Throat & Chest, and his most used is product is the Extreme Bug Spray.
With Tui Balms since 2009, currently working in marketing & design and as a sales rep. She brings love, humour and creativity to the co-op. Outside of work she loves spending time with her family, enjoying the natural beauty of NZ forests and beaches, and connecting. Her favorite Balm is Bee Balm “for its versatility and mousiturising, especially for cracked feet!”
With Tui Balms since 2012, currently working as as jack of all trades: as co-manager, in accounts, customer services and as co-ordinator for staffing, payroll and donations. He brings light heartedness, compassion and reliability to the co-op. Outside of work he loves playing and performing music. His favorite Balm is Cooling & Soothing.
With Tui Balms since 2020, currently working in customer services. He brings focus, simplicity and service to the co-op. Outside of work he loves fermenting food, building soil fertility and naturally tanning possum furs. His favourite Balm is Cooling and Soothing.
Mark joined the co-op in 2021 and is working in customer services. He brings versatility, attention to detail and a fabulous quirky British humour to the team.
Noah Funnell is with Tui Balms since 2022, currently working in packout as well as helping out with various 1-off tasks. He really enjoys the family feel of working at Tui Balms. In his spare time he likes to build and fix things. His favorite Tui Balms product is The Snuffler.
With Tui Balms since 2023, currently working in labelling and dispatch. He brings joy, presence and simplicity to the co-op. Outside of work he loves living on the land, having fun and evolving himself. His favourite Tui Balms product is the Extreme Bug Spray.